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Electric Engineer---LED Driver,Electric Engineer---LED Driver招聘-深圳市鼎晟企业管理咨询有限公司招聘Electric Engineer---LED Driver

LED之家  于2013-06-05 20:36:31  http://www.ledjia.com/ledhangye/viewarticle.php?id=9474

文章摘要:深圳市鼎晟企业管理咨询有限公司 公司地址:深圳市南山区登良路恒裕中心二楼 邮政编码:518100 公司网址:http://www.DISCERNcn.com 中国人才热线提示您:在求职时,如果有企业向您收取任何费

深圳市鼎晟企业管理咨询有限公司 公司地址:深圳市南山区登良路恒裕中心二楼 邮政编码:518100 公司网址:http://www.DISCERNcn.com 中国人才热线提示您:在求职时,如果有企业向您收取任何费用请您警惕,以免上当受骗!X --> 公司简介 招聘职位 Electric Engineer---LED Driver  职位名称:Electric Engineer---LED Driver 具体要求 此职位是为一小型的外资公司友情招聘,此公司在蛇口.此职位是负责LED Driver的电子研发,要求有LED Driver或者电源电子研发的相关工作经验,英语读写是必须的,听说不要求流利,但起码能开口讲。岗位职位:we are seeking a qualified individual for LED DRIVER (Out door power supply) system level modeling activities. Duties include but not limited to:?    PCB design ?     Test and analysis ?     Analog and digital circuit design, testing, and troubleshooting ?    compliance (UL and CE) ?     Provide technical guidance for product road map ?    Develop comprehensive LED DRIVER system model.?    Integrate LED DRIVER  components into complete system model?    Support product and technology development.?    Provide input for and participate in strategic product and technology development decisions.?    Power supply design, development, qualification, and regulatory Position Requirements:?    MS degree in engineering, materials science, physics, or related field ?    Minimum 5~7 years experience in numerical methods applied to solving electrical, thermal, mechanical, optical problems of semiconductor devices.?    Familiarity with semiconductor materials and device physics concepts.?    Familiarity with commercial engineering and design software.?    Excellent communication and teamwork skills English and Chinese 基本要求 招聘类别: 全职 更新日期: 2013-06-02 岗位类别: 电子/电器类,电池/电源开发工程师,生产/制造类 年龄要求: 不限 专业要求: 电子信息科学; 性别要求: 不限 工作地区: 南山区 户口所在地: 不限 要求行业: 建材/装潢/照明 工作经验: 5年以上 要求学历: 本科以上 外语语种: 英语 招聘人数: 1人 计算机能力: 熟练 提供月薪: 面议 关键字: -->
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